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Enviormental Planning and Impact Assessment

Enviormental Planning and Impact Assessment

Order Description

A S S E S S M E N T TA S K 1
Planning assignment
Assessment task 1 learning outcomes
On completion of this assessment, you should be able to:
• Reflect on the principles of sustainable development and their practical application.
• Access, use and interpret online planning schemes.
• Demonstrate competency in written communication.
This assessment task contributes 25% of your final mark for this unit.
These outcomes contribute to Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 1, 2, 3 and 5.
ULO1: Describe the theoretical principles and practice of land use planning and environmental
impact assessment.
ULO2: Explain the factors which affect and influence the planning process.
ULO3: Access, use and interpret online planning schemes.
ULO5: Demonstrate an ability to communicate through oral and written reports.
Due date
Monday prac group: Due 5pm Wednesday 5 August
Tuesday prac group: Due 5pm Thursday 6 August
Your task
Your task for this assignment is to answer the questions below (Part A and Part B). Your
assignment should be formatted using 12 point font and 1.5 spacing, and it is
recommended that you use sub-headings.

Part A
In the first two weeks of SLE207 Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment, we
examine the concept of ‘sustainability’. This builds on your previous learning in first year
units such as SLE121 Environmental Sustainability and SLE103 Ecology and the
Environment. It also provides an important starting point for our focus on environmental
planning and impact assessment in this unit.
Question 1
Reflecting on what you know about environmental sustainability from your first year
units, and your visit to CERES, list three principles of sustainable development and why
they are important for planning (i.e. land use planning, environmental planning, town
planning, sustainable communities etc.).
As a general guide, aim for approximately 300-350 words for this question and remember
to cite references to support your ideas.
Question 2
To illustrate the principles of sustainable development discussed in your answer to
Question 1, include three photos or illustrations from your visit to CERES in your report
– one for each of the principles discussed for Question 1. You might include photos of
something at CERES that captures your imagination or a diagram you draw yourself after
your visit. Each image/photograph/diagram should include a description explaining its
connection to the principle of sustainable development.
Question 2 will include three photographs/diagrams, each with a description of no more
than 30 words.
Part B
Now that we have examined the concepts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable
development’, the next part of your assignment focuses on statutory planning and how
planning schemes can be used to work towards a more sustainable future. The Week 2
class and Week 3 prac focus on statutory planning and provide you with the background
you need to answer the following questions.
For this part of the assignment, choose one of the following municipalities (local
government areas), and answer the questions below using the planning schemes available
at < http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/>.
Part B of your assignment should be no more than 4 pages, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing,
including diagrams and references. The written component of this part of your assignment
should be no more than 500 words (use this as a guide only as the availability of
information will vary depending on which municipality and property you select).
Choose from:
• Knox
• Darebin
• Wyndham
Before you answer questions 3-6, choose one property in your chosen municipality (i.e. a
property in Knox, Darebin or Wyndham) that has at least one overlay applied to it.
Question 3
How is your chosen property zoned? Include a map of your chosen property from the
planning scheme (i.e. just the one block of land – NOT the whole municipality!) and its
zoning. Clearly mark your chosen property so that its location within the municipality is
clear, and include a border, scale, title, north arrow, and key/legend.
Question 4
List any overlays that apply to the use of your chosen property. Then choose one and
explain why it has been used. For example, if the property is covered by a heritage
overlay, explain why it is significant for its heritage values. Again, include a labelled map
of your property, showing your chosen overlay.
Question 5
Are any Environmental Significance Overlays used anywhere in your chosen
municipality? Which areas are covered by such an overlay? For example, are they
residential areas; are all public parks covered by such an overlay? Choose one area
covered by an Environmental Significance Overlay and summarise the planning
implications of the overlay for the site. For example, an overlay covering a site may mean
that permits are required for particular uses of the site (e.g. to construct a building, etc.).
[This information is included in each planning scheme and should be summarised in your
own words for your assignment].
Note: If you discussed environmental significance overlays in Question 4, discuss a
different type of overlay for this question (e.g. heritage overlay, vegetation protection
overlay, etc.).
Question 6
The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) contained in the planning scheme sets out the
key strategic directions of the municipality, including an indication of the unique
characteristics of the area.
For example, the MSS for the City of Monash recognises the unique ‘Garden City
Character’ of the municipality (City of Monash MSS, 21.03-5).
Read the MSS for your chosen municipality. Summarise the main environmental
objectives listed in the MSS and list the Local Planning Policies that have been
implemented to achieve these objectives. For example, in the case of Monash, the Tree
Conservation Policy (City of Monash, Local Planning Policy 22.05) is directed towards
maintaining Garden City Character objectives).
© Deakin University
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be marked out of 50 and assessed against the following criteria.
Your mark out of 50 will then be converted to a final mark out of 25.
• List of three principles of sustainable development and why they are important for
planning (Question 1; 10 marks)
• Three photographs/diagrams to illustrate the three principles of sustainable
development discussed in Question 1 (with a short description for each) (Question 2;
10 marks)
• Identification of how your chosen property is zoned (with labelled map) (Question
3; 5 marks)
• Identification of the overlays affecting your chosen property and discussion of one
(with labelled map) (Question 4; 5 marks)
• Discussion of the environmental significance overlays used in your chosen
municipality and a summary of the planning implications of this overlay for one
particular area (Question 5; 5 marks)
• Identification of the main environmental objectives of the MSS and relevant Local
Planning Policies (Question 6; 5 marks)
• Clarity and style of writing, and general quality of presentation (including grammar,
spelling, punctuation, referencing) (10 marks).
As a rough guide, aim for at least 4 references for this assignment (e.g. unit readings,
books, journal articles, web sites).
Further reading
In addition to the references included on CloudDeakin, search the internet using key
words such as ‘ecocity’, ‘ecovillage’, ‘sustainable communities’, ‘greening cities’, etc. A
very useful site is the Global Eco-Village Network’s site at <http://gen.ecovillage.org/en>
Marking rubric – Assessment Task 1. Planning Assignment (25%)
High Distinction (HD) A mark in the High Distinction range will be given for answers that address all aspects of the question asked. Answers are well written, free of
spelling mistakes/typographical errors and present a logical sequence of ideas. Where appropriate, references are cited to support the answer.
Distinction (D) A mark in the Distinction range will be given for answers that address all aspects of the question asked but where there is room for improvement
in some areas e.g. the discussion is a little unclear, further explanation is needed etc. A Distinction will usually be given where there are only a
few minor suggestions for improvement.
Credit (C) A mark in the Credit range will be given for answers that address most or all aspects of the question asked but where the discussion lacks depth
and/or links to relevant references. A Credit will usually be given when the question is answered but there are some significant improvements
that could be made e.g. map was not labelled, part of the question was not addressed etc.
Pass (P) A mark in the Pass range will be given where there has been an attempt to address the question but the answer lacks depth. For example, the
answer is presented in one sentence when several paragraphs were recommended and/or no references have been cited when ideas have been
drawn from other sources etc.
Fail (N) A mark in the Fail range will be given when there is limited or no information provided to answer the question. A fail grade may also apply to
questions where it is important to cite references and none have been cited.

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Enviormental Planning and Impact Assessment

Enviormental Planning and Impact Assessment

Order Description

A S S E S S M E N T TA S K 1
Planning assignment
Assessment task 1 learning outcomes
On completion of this assessment, you should be able to:
• Reflect on the principles of sustainable development and their practical application.
• Access, use and interpret online planning schemes.
• Demonstrate competency in written communication.
This assessment task contributes 25% of your final mark for this unit.
These outcomes contribute to Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 1, 2, 3 and 5.
ULO1: Describe the theoretical principles and practice of land use planning and environmental
impact assessment.
ULO2: Explain the factors which affect and influence the planning process.
ULO3: Access, use and interpret online planning schemes.
ULO5: Demonstrate an ability to communicate through oral and written reports.
Due date
Monday prac group: Due 5pm Wednesday 5 August
Tuesday prac group: Due 5pm Thursday 6 August
Your task
Your task for this assignment is to answer the questions below (Part A and Part B). Your
assignment should be formatted using 12 point font and 1.5 spacing, and it is
recommended that you use sub-headings.

Part A
In the first two weeks of SLE207 Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment, we
examine the concept of ‘sustainability’. This builds on your previous learning in first year
units such as SLE121 Environmental Sustainability and SLE103 Ecology and the
Environment. It also provides an important starting point for our focus on environmental
planning and impact assessment in this unit.
Question 1
Reflecting on what you know about environmental sustainability from your first year
units, and your visit to CERES, list three principles of sustainable development and why
they are important for planning (i.e. land use planning, environmental planning, town
planning, sustainable communities etc.).
As a general guide, aim for approximately 300-350 words for this question and remember
to cite references to support your ideas.
Question 2
To illustrate the principles of sustainable development discussed in your answer to
Question 1, include three photos or illustrations from your visit to CERES in your report
– one for each of the principles discussed for Question 1. You might include photos of
something at CERES that captures your imagination or a diagram you draw yourself after
your visit. Each image/photograph/diagram should include a description explaining its
connection to the principle of sustainable development.
Question 2 will include three photographs/diagrams, each with a description of no more
than 30 words.
Part B
Now that we have examined the concepts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable
development’, the next part of your assignment focuses on statutory planning and how
planning schemes can be used to work towards a more sustainable future. The Week 2
class and Week 3 prac focus on statutory planning and provide you with the background
you need to answer the following questions.
For this part of the assignment, choose one of the following municipalities (local
government areas), and answer the questions below using the planning schemes available
at < http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/>.
Part B of your assignment should be no more than 4 pages, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing,
including diagrams and references. The written component of this part of your assignment
should be no more than 500 words (use this as a guide only as the availability of
information will vary depending on which municipality and property you select).
Choose from:
• Knox
• Darebin
• Wyndham
Before you answer questions 3-6, choose one property in your chosen municipality (i.e. a
property in Knox, Darebin or Wyndham) that has at least one overlay applied to it.
Question 3
How is your chosen property zoned? Include a map of your chosen property from the
planning scheme (i.e. just the one block of land – NOT the whole municipality!) and its
zoning. Clearly mark your chosen property so that its location within the municipality is
clear, and include a border, scale, title, north arrow, and key/legend.
Question 4
List any overlays that apply to the use of your chosen property. Then choose one and
explain why it has been used. For example, if the property is covered by a heritage
overlay, explain why it is significant for its heritage values. Again, include a labelled map
of your property, showing your chosen overlay.
Question 5
Are any Environmental Significance Overlays used anywhere in your chosen
municipality? Which areas are covered by such an overlay? For example, are they
residential areas; are all public parks covered by such an overlay? Choose one area
covered by an Environmental Significance Overlay and summarise the planning
implications of the overlay for the site. For example, an overlay covering a site may mean
that permits are required for particular uses of the site (e.g. to construct a building, etc.).
[This information is included in each planning scheme and should be summarised in your
own words for your assignment].
Note: If you discussed environmental significance overlays in Question 4, discuss a
different type of overlay for this question (e.g. heritage overlay, vegetation protection
overlay, etc.).
Question 6
The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) contained in the planning scheme sets out the
key strategic directions of the municipality, including an indication of the unique
characteristics of the area.
For example, the MSS for the City of Monash recognises the unique ‘Garden City
Character’ of the municipality (City of Monash MSS, 21.03-5).
Read the MSS for your chosen municipality. Summarise the main environmental
objectives listed in the MSS and list the Local Planning Policies that have been
implemented to achieve these objectives. For example, in the case of Monash, the Tree
Conservation Policy (City of Monash, Local Planning Policy 22.05) is directed towards
maintaining Garden City Character objectives).
© Deakin University
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be marked out of 50 and assessed against the following criteria.
Your mark out of 50 will then be converted to a final mark out of 25.
• List of three principles of sustainable development and why they are important for
planning (Question 1; 10 marks)
• Three photographs/diagrams to illustrate the three principles of sustainable
development discussed in Question 1 (with a short description for each) (Question 2;
10 marks)
• Identification of how your chosen property is zoned (with labelled map) (Question
3; 5 marks)
• Identification of the overlays affecting your chosen property and discussion of one
(with labelled map) (Question 4; 5 marks)
• Discussion of the environmental significance overlays used in your chosen
municipality and a summary of the planning implications of this overlay for one
particular area (Question 5; 5 marks)
• Identification of the main environmental objectives of the MSS and relevant Local
Planning Policies (Question 6; 5 marks)
• Clarity and style of writing, and general quality of presentation (including grammar,
spelling, punctuation, referencing) (10 marks).
As a rough guide, aim for at least 4 references for this assignment (e.g. unit readings,
books, journal articles, web sites).
Further reading
In addition to the references included on CloudDeakin, search the internet using key
words such as ‘ecocity’, ‘ecovillage’, ‘sustainable communities’, ‘greening cities’, etc. A
very useful site is the Global Eco-Village Network’s site at <http://gen.ecovillage.org/en>
Marking rubric – Assessment Task 1. Planning Assignment (25%)
High Distinction (HD) A mark in the High Distinction range will be given for answers that address all aspects of the question asked. Answers are well written, free of
spelling mistakes/typographical errors and present a logical sequence of ideas. Where appropriate, references are cited to support the answer.
Distinction (D) A mark in the Distinction range will be given for answers that address all aspects of the question asked but where there is room for improvement
in some areas e.g. the discussion is a little unclear, further explanation is needed etc. A Distinction will usually be given where there are only a
few minor suggestions for improvement.
Credit (C) A mark in the Credit range will be given for answers that address most or all aspects of the question asked but where the discussion lacks depth
and/or links to relevant references. A Credit will usually be given when the question is answered but there are some significant improvements
that could be made e.g. map was not labelled, part of the question was not addressed etc.
Pass (P) A mark in the Pass range will be given where there has been an attempt to address the question but the answer lacks depth. For example, the
answer is presented in one sentence when several paragraphs were recommended and/or no references have been cited when ideas have been
drawn from other sources etc.
Fail (N) A mark in the Fail range will be given when there is limited or no information provided to answer the question. A fail grade may also apply to
questions where it is important to cite references and none have been cited.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Enviormental Planning and Impact Assessment

Enviormental Planning and Impact Assessment

Order Description

A S S E S S M E N T TA S K 1
Planning assignment
Assessment task 1 learning outcomes
On completion of this assessment, you should be able to:
• Reflect on the principles of sustainable development and their practical application.
• Access, use and interpret online planning schemes.
• Demonstrate competency in written communication.
This assessment task contributes 25% of your final mark for this unit.
These outcomes contribute to Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 1, 2, 3 and 5.
ULO1: Describe the theoretical principles and practice of land use planning and environmental
impact assessment.
ULO2: Explain the factors which affect and influence the planning process.
ULO3: Access, use and interpret online planning schemes.
ULO5: Demonstrate an ability to communicate through oral and written reports.
Due date
Monday prac group: Due 5pm Wednesday 5 August
Tuesday prac group: Due 5pm Thursday 6 August
Your task
Your task for this assignment is to answer the questions below (Part A and Part B). Your
assignment should be formatted using 12 point font and 1.5 spacing, and it is
recommended that you use sub-headings.

Part A
In the first two weeks of SLE207 Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment, we
examine the concept of ‘sustainability’. This builds on your previous learning in first year
units such as SLE121 Environmental Sustainability and SLE103 Ecology and the
Environment. It also provides an important starting point for our focus on environmental
planning and impact assessment in this unit.
Question 1
Reflecting on what you know about environmental sustainability from your first year
units, and your visit to CERES, list three principles of sustainable development and why
they are important for planning (i.e. land use planning, environmental planning, town
planning, sustainable communities etc.).
As a general guide, aim for approximately 300-350 words for this question and remember
to cite references to support your ideas.
Question 2
To illustrate the principles of sustainable development discussed in your answer to
Question 1, include three photos or illustrations from your visit to CERES in your report
– one for each of the principles discussed for Question 1. You might include photos of
something at CERES that captures your imagination or a diagram you draw yourself after
your visit. Each image/photograph/diagram should include a description explaining its
connection to the principle of sustainable development.
Question 2 will include three photographs/diagrams, each with a description of no more
than 30 words.
Part B
Now that we have examined the concepts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable
development’, the next part of your assignment focuses on statutory planning and how
planning schemes can be used to work towards a more sustainable future. The Week 2
class and Week 3 prac focus on statutory planning and provide you with the background
you need to answer the following questions.
For this part of the assignment, choose one of the following municipalities (local
government areas), and answer the questions below using the planning schemes available
at < http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/>.
Part B of your assignment should be no more than 4 pages, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing,
including diagrams and references. The written component of this part of your assignment
should be no more than 500 words (use this as a guide only as the availability of
information will vary depending on which municipality and property you select).
Choose from:
• Knox
• Darebin
• Wyndham
Before you answer questions 3-6, choose one property in your chosen municipality (i.e. a
property in Knox, Darebin or Wyndham) that has at least one overlay applied to it.
Question 3
How is your chosen property zoned? Include a map of your chosen property from the
planning scheme (i.e. just the one block of land – NOT the whole municipality!) and its
zoning. Clearly mark your chosen property so that its location within the municipality is
clear, and include a border, scale, title, north arrow, and key/legend.
Question 4
List any overlays that apply to the use of your chosen property. Then choose one and
explain why it has been used. For example, if the property is covered by a heritage
overlay, explain why it is significant for its heritage values. Again, include a labelled map
of your property, showing your chosen overlay.
Question 5
Are any Environmental Significance Overlays used anywhere in your chosen
municipality? Which areas are covered by such an overlay? For example, are they
residential areas; are all public parks covered by such an overlay? Choose one area
covered by an Environmental Significance Overlay and summarise the planning
implications of the overlay for the site. For example, an overlay covering a site may mean
that permits are required for particular uses of the site (e.g. to construct a building, etc.).
[This information is included in each planning scheme and should be summarised in your
own words for your assignment].
Note: If you discussed environmental significance overlays in Question 4, discuss a
different type of overlay for this question (e.g. heritage overlay, vegetation protection
overlay, etc.).
Question 6
The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) contained in the planning scheme sets out the
key strategic directions of the municipality, including an indication of the unique
characteristics of the area.
For example, the MSS for the City of Monash recognises the unique ‘Garden City
Character’ of the municipality (City of Monash MSS, 21.03-5).
Read the MSS for your chosen municipality. Summarise the main environmental
objectives listed in the MSS and list the Local Planning Policies that have been
implemented to achieve these objectives. For example, in the case of Monash, the Tree
Conservation Policy (City of Monash, Local Planning Policy 22.05) is directed towards
maintaining Garden City Character objectives).
© Deakin University
Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be marked out of 50 and assessed against the following criteria.
Your mark out of 50 will then be converted to a final mark out of 25.
• List of three principles of sustainable development and why they are important for
planning (Question 1; 10 marks)
• Three photographs/diagrams to illustrate the three principles of sustainable
development discussed in Question 1 (with a short description for each) (Question 2;
10 marks)
• Identification of how your chosen property is zoned (with labelled map) (Question
3; 5 marks)
• Identification of the overlays affecting your chosen property and discussion of one
(with labelled map) (Question 4; 5 marks)
• Discussion of the environmental significance overlays used in your chosen
municipality and a summary of the planning implications of this overlay for one
particular area (Question 5; 5 marks)
• Identification of the main environmental objectives of the MSS and relevant Local
Planning Policies (Question 6; 5 marks)
• Clarity and style of writing, and general quality of presentation (including grammar,
spelling, punctuation, referencing) (10 marks).
As a rough guide, aim for at least 4 references for this assignment (e.g. unit readings,
books, journal articles, web sites).
Further reading
In addition to the references included on CloudDeakin, search the internet using key
words such as ‘ecocity’, ‘ecovillage’, ‘sustainable communities’, ‘greening cities’, etc. A
very useful site is the Global Eco-Village Network’s site at <http://gen.ecovillage.org/en>
Marking rubric – Assessment Task 1. Planning Assignment (25%)
High Distinction (HD) A mark in the High Distinction range will be given for answers that address all aspects of the question asked. Answers are well written, free of
spelling mistakes/typographical errors and present a logical sequence of ideas. Where appropriate, references are cited to support the answer.
Distinction (D) A mark in the Distinction range will be given for answers that address all aspects of the question asked but where there is room for improvement
in some areas e.g. the discussion is a little unclear, further explanation is needed etc. A Distinction will usually be given where there are only a
few minor suggestions for improvement.
Credit (C) A mark in the Credit range will be given for answers that address most or all aspects of the question asked but where the discussion lacks depth
and/or links to relevant references. A Credit will usually be given when the question is answered but there are some significant improvements
that could be made e.g. map was not labelled, part of the question was not addressed etc.
Pass (P) A mark in the Pass range will be given where there has been an attempt to address the question but the answer lacks depth. For example, the
answer is presented in one sentence when several paragraphs were recommended and/or no references have been cited when ideas have been
drawn from other sources etc.
Fail (N) A mark in the Fail range will be given when there is limited or no information provided to answer the question. A fail grade may also apply to
questions where it is important to cite references and none have been cited.

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